[1] NOT ENOUGH music: hatakka - waltari / lyrics: hatakka, arrangement: waltari recorded by sami koivisto, mixed by tt oksala, 2005
[2] MORE music: lehtinen - hatakka - waltari / lyrics: hatakka, arrangement: waltari recorded and mixed by mikko karmila, 1992
[3] UPSIDE DOWN MAN music: hatakka - waltari / lyrics: hatakka, arrangement: waltari recorded and mixed by mikko karmila, 1998
(P) & (C) 2005 Bluelight Records, a division of Mutant Music Production Blastic Heaven Records [BHR 4584 2]
artwork: jÖrG : )
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Direkt bestellen bei Stupido Mailorder (Spezialangebot: DVD + "Not Enough" Single für 27 €) oder bei der Sammelbestellung mitmachen: CLICK